Batra Marriage Bureau & Services is the most leading and Repudated marriage bureau situated in India. Address: 455, Sohan Palace, Opp. Telephone Exchange, The Mall, Ludhiana 141001. India Ph.: +91 161 5035208, M.:+91 9814012567. email: batra@batraonline.c
Batra Marriage Bureau's Articles In Personal Relationships
August 3, 2004 by Batra Marriage Bureau
General Information: In Earlier days when the modes of Transportation & Communication was Limited then the area of finding a life partner was also very limited. It was the duty of Barbers, Priests & Mediators etc. to find the suitable match. Instead of doing their duty Honestly they exploited the opportunity. Now a days, with the developments in the modes of Transportation & Communications (like Mobile phones & mighty Internet) it has made this Earth a smaller place. Now a common pe...